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Das Aachener Unternehmen, die ecoDMS GmbH, bietet Archivierungssoftware für Privatnutzer, kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen und für große Konzerne. Die gleichnamige Software „ecoDMS“ gilt als sehr beliebte Archivlösung und ist aus dem deutschsprachigen Softwaremarkt nicht mehr wegzudenken.

Als Client-Server-System erfüllt ecoDMS alle Anforderungen an eine revisionssichere Dokumentenverwaltung. Der Umstieg von der konventionellen Ablage zum zeitgerechten, digitalen Archiv kann mit ecoDMS preiswert, schnell und komfortabel realisiert werden. Alle Dokumente können mit diesem plattformunabhängigen Archivsystem sicher archiviert, verwaltet und schnell wiedergefunden werden. Die intelligente Vorlagen-Erkennung führt die notwendigen Ablageschritte selbstständig durch. Die Archivierung erfolgt dann mittels Vorlagen Designer voll automatisch ohne das weitere Zutun des Anwenders. Modernste Suchfunktionen machen die Dokumentensuche so einfach wie googeln.

Das ecoDMS Archiv ist die optimale Dokumenten-Management-Lösung für Privatnutzer, kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen und für große Konzerne. Leistungsstarke und praxisgerechte Funktionalitäten, modernste Technologien, plattformunabhängige Komponenten, eine benutzerfreundliche Bedienung und ein faires Preis-Leistungsverhältnis begeistern tausende Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und in weiteren europäischen Ländern. Über die Hälfte davon sind Geschäftskunden unterschiedlichster Branchen und Größen. Im September 2016 hat die ecoDMS GmbH die neueste Generation der erfolgreichen Archivierungssoftware ecoDMS veröffentlicht und mit ihr einen komplett neuen Internetauftritt. ecoDMS Version 16.09 (eleanor) bietet eine erstklassige Servertechnologie mit einem sicheren, verschlüsselten Container Speichersystem und automatischen, zeitgesteuerten Backup-Funktionen. Neu sind unter anderem auch das Clipboard zum Erstellen eigener Dokumentenmappen und eine Verlinkungsfunktion für Dokumente. Clevere Such- und Vorschaufunktionen wie zum Beispiel die Shortcut Suche und das Hervorheben von Suchbegriffen im Vorschaufenster sind ebenfalls implementiert. Das praktische Side Panel gilt als weiteres Highlight. Die Vereinigung des Archiv Clients und der Funktionen für die Posteingangsbearbeitung eingescannter Dokumente (ecoICE), macht die Archivierung noch benutzerfreundlicher und komfortabler.

ecoDMS bietet einen nahezu grenzenlosen Zugriff auf die archivierten Dokumente. Das Archivsystem ist für alle gängigen Betriebssysteme verfügbar: Clientseitig ist ecoDMS für Windows, Ubuntu, Debian und in Kürze auch für MacOS erhältlich. Den ecoDMS Server gibt es für Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Docker inklusive QNAP und Synology NAS Unterstützung und für den Raspberry Pi. Unter Android und iOS kann ecoDMS auf dem Smartphone und Tablet genutzt werden. Der Webclient läuft in allen gängigen Internetbrowsern. Darüber hinaus gibt es Plugins für MS Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Outlook und Thunderbird. Diese ermöglichen eine direkte Archivierung aus den genannten Anwendungen im Originalformat und zusätzlich als revisionskonformes PDF/A. Über den virtuellen PDF/A Drucker von ecoDMS können Dokumente außerdem aus beliebigen druckfähigen Programmen im PDF/A Format archiviert werden.

Im Downloadbereich dieser Webseite kann die aktuelle ecoDMS Version kostenlos heruntergeladen und für 30 Tage als Demoversion getestet werden. Für Privatnutzer ist die Software als Free4Three Edition dauerhaft kostenfrei. Im ecoDMS Online-Shop kann die Vollversion für günstige 69,00 Euro inklusive 19% MwSt. pro Lizenz erworben werden. Im Lizenzpreis sind die komplette Archivlösung inklusive OCR Volltextindizierung und Plugins inbegriffen. Die Komponenten der Demo-, Free4Three- und Vollversion sind identisch.
The ecoDMS major release announced for autumn 2016 is gradually coming closer. Today the software developers have revealed more highly interesting details about the scope of functions. The new ecoDMS version will be able to full-text index email attachments automatically and then store them in ecoDMS together with the message. Moreover, in future it will be possible to link various files in ecoDMS.

Storing emails and their attachments will become even more convenient with the new ecoDMS release. When archiving emails in ecoDMS, attachments will be stored as a direct link with the message. The advantage for users is that an email and its attachments can be displayed and opened in sequence in the ecoDMS table. Currently, attachments can only be retrieved via the original EML file within the version management. Moreover, for the first time automatic full-text indexing of the attached file will be carried out in the background. This will enable the quick retrieval of readable email attachments via the full-text search.

As a further highlight, ecoDMS announces the new linking function. Often there are different files that belong to the same process. As of the next ecoDMS major release, it will be possible to link these files directly with each other. In the ecoDMS table any number of other archived files, including their classifications, can be added to a document and combined to form one process.

The new ecoDMS major release will be released in autumn 2016. However, licences are not yet available. ecoDMS GmbH will announce the exact release date in the coming weeks. Until then the motto will need to be to wait, because anticipation is half the fun!

A glance at the innovations revealed to date shows: ecoDMS users can really look forward to a great version with many interesting features:
  • Fresh colours, new icons and a flat, modern "material design" give a new radiance to the archiving system.
  • The merger of ecoDMS and ecoICE will further optimise the archiving steps.
  • Linking several documents will allow the grouping of different files.
  • Email attachments can in future be full-text indexed and stored together with the email.
  • The already valid "life-long licence price guarantee" enables all ecoDMS customers access to a constant and absolutely fair licence price.
For a free demo version of the current ecoDMS version 14.08 (krusty) and more product information, visit
The ecoDMS archiving solution enables the secure and long-term storage of documents, data and information in one central document archive. Fast installation on all platforms, compact design, simple operation, flexible configuration and unique value for money make this ecoDMS software an attractive low-cost archive for private as well as corporate users.

ecoDMS has made a very good name for itself in the German and English-speaking areas of Europe over recent years. Thousands of private and business users trust ecoDMS when archiving their documents.

The ecoDMS software offers users a comprehensive but easy to use scope of functions. Intelligent search functions and automatic archiving processes facilitate document management and archiving enormously.

The modern, technical structure of the software allows virtually endless use cases. ecoDMS can be installed under Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and MacOS. Smart phones and tablets can quickly access documents when on the move with ecoDMS mobile. Moreover, a web client offers convenient access via web browser. With a specially adapted archiving version for Synology, QNAP and Raspberry Pi, ecoDMS opens up new document archiving perspectives also to tech-savvy users. ecoDMS can be installed on a network or on a PC.

For autumn 2016, ecoDMS GmbH has announced a new major release. Customers, who make a last-minute purchase of the current ecoDMS version 14.08 (brandine) will be able to purchase the autumn upgrade not for free, but for less. "Only the early bird catches the worm": Existing customers of version 14.08 (krusty) will benefit from the new life-long licence price guarantee when they purchase an upgrade. They will continue to pay only 49 Euro gross per licence for the upgrade to version 16.XX (eleanor) instead of 69 Euro per licence in future.

The software can be downloaded for free at and tested for a 30-day period. Private users can continue to use the archive for free in the slimmed-down Free4Three version. Customers, who want to use ecoDMS after the demo phase and/or with the full scope of functions, need a licence for the full version. This licence can be purchased from the ecoDMS online shop.
In times of modern communication and mobile technology, being available at any time and having data, facts and information readily available at your fingertips plays a very important role. The old-fashioned letter in paper form is increasingly being replaced by digital e-mails, electronic messaging services and web technologies. Nevertheless, a large share of all documents from digital or conventional origin must be stored over many years and must be made available to the responsible roles.

ecoDMS is the first archiving software which does not only archive and manage data quickly and easily, but is also extremely low-cost and accessible from everywhere via PC, mobile phone, tablet or internet browser. The ecoDMS software goes with the times and makes modern, efficient data management at an affordable price available to everyone. ecoDMS is the lowest-priced and fastest archiving system of all times. For private users ecoDMS is completely free with less functionality. A licence for the full version is available at 49 Euros on the manufacturer's website.

In this DMS solution any type of paper document and digital data can be saved audit-proof to a central archive, managed professionally and retrieved within seconds. A powerful recognition wizard automatically assigns and archives the files. Paper is transferred to ecoDMS through scanning. Digital data, such as e-mails, letters, tables, agreements, invoices and many more, is stored in the archive just as quickly with a few mouse clicks. For MS Office, OpenOffice and LibreOffice, the ecoDMS full version additionally contains dedicated plugins. They allow direct archiving as PDF/A file and original document from the respective applications. The original file can be edited and saved as a new version if required. Convenient e-mail archiving is also available for Thunderbird and Outlook with a dedicated add-on.

Being a client-server system, ecoDMS saves all data in a database. This is configured automatically during the installation of ecoDMS and is located on site at the customer. Server and database experience is not required. The archived documents can be retrieved at lightning speed via smart phone, tablet, web browser and client server. The fully automatic and integrated OCR full-text indexing function reads every readable file and makes searching for documents as easy as googling. It is sufficient for users to access the archive and access their documents from anywhere they like. The entire archive can be configured according to the user's requirements. Be it matching document types with fixed retention periods, user-defined folder structures and permissions, or specific classification attributes: ecoDMS leaves no wish to be desired.

Archiving software varies in features and functions. In most cases, the more functions there are, the higher the price. This is not the case with ecoDMS. ecoDMS is the first archiving system to go entirely new ways. The software is the best value archiving solution in the world with a full scope of functions. The clever combination of mature open source modules, state-of-the-art customisations, elaborate user information and web-based sales enable the unique price of 49 Euros per licence. There is no need for service or support agreements. A licence is purchased once and may then be used for any period of time. For technical or content questions customers receive support directly from the manufacturer. Although support is not included in the licence price, it can be purchased as an option for a small fee if required. Moreover, ecoDMS offers all customers and prospective users free training videos and extensive documentation material on their website.

ecoDMS can be installed on a server under Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian and as Docker Image with NAS support for Synology and QNAP. The programme interface is available for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS, web browsers, Android and IOS. The software is available for free download with a 30-day demo phase at
The ecoDMS document archive is intended for the audit-proof storage of paper documents and digital data over a long period of time. The software is ideal for virtually any type of user due to its platform-independence, adaptability and fair pricing. Private users, small to medium-sized companies and large corporations can implement professional document management with ecoDMS. The full version is available at 49 Euros gross per licence. Any number of users can be selected and the number of users can be extended at any time. A licence is valid for an unlimited period of time and independent of the number of archived documents. For private users, the Free4Three edition offers a lean but free version of the archiving system.

Archiving with ecoDMS is user-friendly and convenient. Documents on the file system can easily be dragged and dropped into the archive. The full version contains plugins and add-ons for Microsoft Office, LibreOffice and OpenOffice. Through these plugins and add-ons, documents created in Office can be saved directly to the ecoDMS archive. ecoDMS stores the original Office file and also creates an audit-proof PDF/A document. The Office file can be edited via the integrated version management and archived as a new version in ecoDMS.

For e-mail archiving ecoDMS also has its add-ons. Incoming and outgoing emails can be archived directly from Thunderbird and MS Outlook with the respective ecoDMS mail add-on. Users can select which parts of the e-mail they want to archive in ecoDMS. E-mail attachments and pure e-mail content can be stored.

The virtual PDF/A printer from ecoDMS allows archiving from any software programme able to print. The PDF/A printer from ecoDMS can be selected in the printing function of the software application. The file is then saved to the archive as an audit-proof PDF/A document. The ecoDMS PDF/A printer can be configured as required. For example, a letterhead can be configured as a background for the PDF. Existing printing devices can also be addressed. It is also possible to configure different print profiles and more printing functions. A particular highlight is dummy text recognition and the dark process. With the printer it is possible to perform automated archiving processes from external programmes.

Automatic archiving and document classification are significant features of ecoDMS. Documents stored in ecoDMS can be automatically assigned according to specified attributes and also archived without requiring manual intervention from the user. This is made possible by the intelligent ecoDMS template designer. This makes the classification and archiving processes easy to automate and optimise. The system automatically assigns the matching folder, the responsible person, the status, and many more classification attributes.

Virtually all file formats can be archived in ecoDMS. Retrieving the stored data and information is particularly easy with the archiving software. Every readable file is full-text indexed during archiving. The recognised characters, text and information make searching for documents as easy as googling. Based on the full-text information and the classification attributes, you can perform any kind and number of search requests. The matching documents are immediately displayed on the workstation.

To ensure that the documents can only be viewed and edited by the person who is responsible and authorised, ecoDMS offers the assignment of separate access permissions for each file and each existing folder. This ensures the privacy of documents.

The ecoDMS full version offers everything that makes a DMS invaluable: A programme for incoming e-mail processing of scanned paper documents, an archiving interface with clear document administration, plugins and add-ons for Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Thunderbird and Outlook, a PDF/A printer for archiving from any application that can print, numerous search functions, integrated and fully automatic OCR full-text indexing, version management, comprehensive settings, user and group management, connections to Active Directory and LDAP, a browser-based web interface, mobile apps for smartphone and tablet, and much more.

Anyone interested in the software can test it in the demo version for 30 days. The demo and full version components are identical. ecoDMS can be run under Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and MacOS. QNAP and NAS devices that support virtualisation can also be used. The full version is activated with a licence code. The licence can be purchased at Documentation, product information and training videos are available on the website.
The Software ecoDMS from Aachen is one of the most popular, modern and fastest archiving systems on the German-speaking market. The quick installation process and the easy application, unrivalled value for money, platform independence and versatility of this software make ecoDMS the ideal archiving solution for everyone.

This modern data management system helps to archive documents and professionally manage and retrieve them. The clever combination of mature Open Source components, paired with professional in-house developments and an entirely new and contemporary sales model has opened new ways for "digitizing and archiving" on the software market. This model is a key distinguishing factor among the numerous competitors in the DMS sector. The price of 49 Euro (gross) per simultaneous connection on the ecoDMS server is unrivalled in the DMS sector.

At ecoDMS engineers have combined professional custom developments with mature open source components. For example, the OCR engine "Tesseract" is integrated in ecoDMS. The database is also open source. With postgreSQL ecoDMS has opted for a platform-independent database that offers virtually unrestricted data volume. As these are free software components, customers have no additional costs. Users can quickly and easily install the data management system ecoDMS. It only takes a few mouse clicks. The basic system elements are the ecoDMS server, the ecoDMS client, the ecoICE client, and the virtual PDF/A printer. In addition, there are optional plugins, add-ons and mobile apps.

As a client-server system, the ecoDMS server forms the base of the entire application. The server is not a piece of hardware, but a software component. The ecoDMS server is installed once on a central computer, a server or an NAS. The users can then install the ecoDMS clients and plugins on any number of other computers. From each workstation the connection to the ecoDMS server and the database is made via the connection manager. Of course the ecoDMS server and other components can also be installed together as a solution for a single workstation.

Users can setup ecoDMS according to their requirements. The settings dialogue box displays the selected structures: Matching document types with specific retention periods, your own folder structures and access rights and much more.

Users can archive virtually any file format in ecoDMS. They can drag and drop documents, which are already saved on their computer, into the archive. ecoDMS carries out full-text recognition automatically in the background for readable files. Depending on the document, the user can classify either manually or automatically with the template designer. As an option, they can also work with mass classification. This allows to classify any number of documents simultaneously with the same information. With the right classification attributes, it is possible to assign the document type, the customer folder, the date, the responsibilities and much more information to the document, all of which can be edited at any time. Apart from the full text search, users can use these attributes to create exact filters to search for documents and to access the required data and information quickly.

The software is available for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and MacOS. Moreover, dedicated server versions are available for Raspberry Pi 2 and Docker. The latest ecoDMS version also supports the Network Attached Storages (NAS), which provide a virtualization of containers, from Synology and QNAP. For all mobile technology and communication enthusiasts, there are also apps for Android and IOS smart phones and tablets, as well as a web client for the internet browser.

For more information, visit
The ecoDMS software is a data management system for scanning, archiving, managing and retrieving any type of data and document. The archiving system is ideal because it is platform-independent, simple, flexible, and can be licensed for small and large companies. ecoDMS can be applied in all kinds of industries and even in private households. For private use the archive comes for free with limited functionality. The full version is available for the affordable price of 49 Euros.

Digitalising and archiving files and documents with ecoDMS is up-to-date and easy. With ecoDMS you can archive virtually all file formats safely and long-term. ecoDMS can be integrated easily into your network or you can use it on a PC. As a client-server system, the ecoDMS server forms the base of the entire application. The server is not a piece of hardware, but a software component. The ecoDMS server is installed on a computer, a server or an NAS. The ecoDMS clients and plugins can be installed on any number of computers.

The ecoDMS development and licensing model is unique. Our engineers have combined professional custom developments with mature open source components. For example, the OCR engine "Tesseract" is integrated in ecoDMS. The database is also open source. With "postgreSQL" ecoDMS has opted for a platform-independent database that offers virtually unrestricted data volume. As these are free software components, customers have no additional costs.

As a data management system, ecoDMS has all functions for convenient archiving. Documents stored in ecoDMS can be automatically assigned according to specified attributes and also archived without requiring manual intervention from the user. This is made possible by the intelligent ecoDMS template designer. It automatically recognises incoming documents, sorts the data to the right place, automatically fills in the necessary classification attributes, and even automatically stores the data in ecoDMS if desired.

For archiving ecoDMS offers various options. These include archiving via drag and drop directly into the ecoDMS client, scanning and archiving via ecoICE, printing with the virtual PDF/A printer, archiving through various Office plugins, e-mail add-ons and mobile apps, and the option of archiving via web interface.

Searching for archived data with ecoDMS is as easy as googling. Readable files, the classification attributes and metadata are full-text indexed automatically by ecoDMS. The full-text search allows a search process across all recognised information. The documents can be retrieved in a matter of seconds.

You can download the software for free at the ecoDMS website Following the installation ecoDMS is available for 30 days as a demo version with full functionality. If no licence code is entered, the system automatically restricts the functions after 30 days. This is then the Free4Three Edition. It may only be used privately, but for an unlimited period of time. Those, who want to use ecoDMS after the demo phase and/or with the full scope of functions, need a licence for the full version.