ecoDMS GmbH

A company of the renowned applord group

The companies applord, applord Information Technologies, ecoDMS and detai Solutions form the unique service partnership of the applord group. Our companies in Germany and Austria operate across Europe.

applord Group
You can find legal information for the (online) training courses of ecoDMS GmbH here.
  • By booking you agree to use the associated conference tool.
  • Disseminating login data for our training computers and sharing or recording audio, video and/or image content / screen shots during training is expressly forbidden during the entire training session.
  • At the end of the training session, all data entered and uploaded to the training machines by participants during the training session will be irrevocably deleted.
  • No backups or other copies of this data will be made.
  • Minutes of meeting, conversation recordings and any recorded chats will also be irrevocably deleted.
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