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Die Aachener Softwarefirma ecoDMS GmbH, ein Unternehmen der applord-Gruppe, bietet Software zur einfachen, perfekten und gleichzeitigen günstigen Digitalisierung und Archivierung von Dokumenten, Dateien und E-Mails. Mit den Softwareprodukten ecoDMS und ecoMAILZ ist das Unternehmen der weltweit günstigste Anbieter auf diesem Gebiet.

Mit den konzerneigenen Archivlösungen der applord Holding Europe GmbH wird das Scannen, Archivieren, Verwalten und Wiederfinden jeglicher Dateien zum Kinderspiel. Günstige und vor allem faire Preise, plattformunabhängige Produkte und eine benutzerfreundliche Bedienung machen den Einsatz von ecoDMS und ecoMAILZ für jedermann möglich.

ecoDMS Dokumentenarchivierung

Mit dem Dokumenten-Management-System ecoDMS können beliebige Dokumente, Dateien und Unterlagen langfristig, sicher und revisionskonform in einem digitalen Archiv aufbewahrt werden. Professionelle Archivfunktionen und intelligente Such-Algorithmen ermöglichen eine zielgenaue Digitalisierung und Archivierung. Besonders praktisch ist die integrierte Volltextindizierung. Durch die Eingabe von Suchbegriffen können Dokumente in Sekundenschnelle wiedergefunden werden.

ecoDMS kann plattformunabhängig unter Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS, Raspbian, Docker und sogar auf einem Docker-unterstützten NAS der Marken Synology und QNAP installiert werden. Des weiteren gibt es eine Weboberfläche und Apps für iOS und Android. Als Client-Server-System kann ecoDMS flexibel im Netzwerk oder als Einzelplatzlösung zum Einsatz kommen. Das Archivsystem kann flexibel nach Kundenwunsch installiert, konfiguriert und verwendet werden. Die Dokumente liegen dabei sicher beim Kunden in der postgreSQL-Datenbank und in Containern und nicht auf fremden Servern oder „einfach manipulierbar" auf dem Dateisystem.

Die Skalierbarkeit der Software erlaubt die Nutzung in verschiedensten Branchen und Benutzerkreisen. Dieser technische Komfort macht das digitale Archiv auch für Privatnutzer interessant. Denn die Server-Komponente von ecoDMS muss nicht zwingend auf einer Server-Hardware installiert werden. Sofern das Gerät die offiziellen ecoDMS-Systemvoraussetzungen erfüllt, können Server und Client auch zusammen auf einem lokalen Computer oder Laptop installiert werden.

Mit ecoDMS erhalten die Kunden ein zentrales Archiv für alle Dokumente. Nahezu alle Dateiformate können mit ecoDMS archiviert werden. Angefangen von der Posteingangsbearbeitung eingescannter Dokumente, über die bequeme Ablage per Drag und Drop von beliebigen, bereits digitalen Dateien und der Bereitstellung verschiedener Plugins für Office- und E-Mail Programme, lässt ecoDMS keine Wünsche offen.

Mit einem einmaligen Lizenzpreis von 69,00 Euro pro Lizenz ist ecoDMS das weltweit günstigste Archivsystem. Darin inbegriffen sind alle ecoDMS-Funktionen, Clients, die Server-Komponente, Plugins, Addons und Apps. Für Privatleute ist das Archiv, wenn auch mit eingeschränkter Funktionalität, sogar als kostenfreie Free4Three Edition zum Download erhältlich. Testen kann das Archiv jeder zunächst kostenfrei für die Dauer von 30 Tagen. Die Software-Komponenten der Demo, Free- und Vollversion sind identisch und stehen zum Download auf zur Verfügung.

ecoMAILZ E-Mailarchivierung

Seit August 2017 ist außerdem die erste Version vom ecoMAILZ-E-Mailarchiv auf dem Markt. ecoMAILZ ist die ideale Lösung für eine gesetzeskonforme und langfristige E-Mailarchivierung. Mit diesem modernen E-Mailarchiv können jegliche E-Mails sicher in einem zentralen Archiv gespeichert und schnell am PC, Handy und Tablet wiedergefunden werden. ecoMAILZ arbeitet dabei völlig unabhängig von ecoDMS und ist somit eine komplett eigenständige Software, die speziell für das gesetzeskonforme Speichern elektronischer Nachrichten konzipiert worden ist. Selbstverständlich kann dieses Produkt bei Bedarf via Plugin bequem mit dem Dokumenten-Management-System verbunden werden.

Mit ecoMAILZ können aktuelle und bestehende E-Mails inklusive deren Anhänge automatisch, gesetzeskonform und direkt vom Mailserver archiviert werden. Die Software bietet Importmöglichkeiten aus verschiedenen Mailserver und Groupware-Lösungen. Dazu zählen Microsoft Exchange Server, Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), POP3 und das Dateisystem. Die konkreten Herkunftsquellen der E-Mails werden dabei in sogenannten Adaptern hinterlegt. Anschließend ruft das System automatisch alle zu archivierenden E-Mails ab, führt eine Volltextindizierung auf Texte, lesbaren Informationen und Anhängen durch und speichert die Nachrichten sicher in Containern im E-Mailarchiv.

ecoMAILZ ist schnell installiert und einfach zu bedienen. Der integrierte Einstellungsbereich erlaubt eine kundenspezifische Konfiguration des E-Mailarchivs.

Die Nutzer erhalten mit ecoMAILZ ein modernes E-Mail-Archivierungssystem, zu fairen Preisen, das eine automatische und gesetzeskonforme Archivierung aller E-Mails möglich macht. Mit einem Lizenzpreis von 49,00 Euro pro Benutzer ist ecoMAILZ ein absolut erschwingliches E-Mailarchiv. Auch diese Software steht zum Download auf zur Verfügung und sie kann vor dem Kauf kostenfrei getestet werden. Die Demoversion erlaubt die Archivierung von bis zu 3000 E-Mails.

Die erste Version ist zunächst nur für Windows verfügbar. Für das letzte Quartal in 2017 sind für ecoMAILZ bereits neue Funktionen und Plugins und die Unterstützung weiterer Betriebssysteme geplant. Der genaue Release-Termin wird zeitnah von der ecoDMS bekanntgegeben.

Diese und viele weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet unter
Die renommierte Softwarefirma ecoDMS GmbH hat ihr neuestes Softwareprodukt „ecoMAILZ“ veröffentlicht. Damit ermöglichen die Aachener die einfache, automatische, langfristige, gesetzeskonforme und gleichzeitig günstige Archivierung von E-Mails. Seit August ist ecoMAILZ Version 17.08 (donnie) für Windows verfügbar. Weitere Plattformen wie Ubuntu, Debian, Docker inklusive NAS-Support für QNAP und Synology werden künftig ebenfalls unterstützt werden.

Hunderte ecoDMS-Kunden haben sich schon jetzt für ecoMAILZ als Mailarchiv entschieden. Sie legen nun mit ecoMAILZ alle Nachrichten gemäß der gesetzlichen Vorgaben ab.  ecoMAILZ bietet Importmöglichkeiten aus verschiedenen Mailserver und Groupware-Lösungen. Dazu zählen Microsoft Exchange Server, Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), POP3 und das Dateisystem. Der Zugriff ist standortunabhängig über einen Internetbrowser am Computer, Smartphone oder Tablet möglich. Eine Lizenz kostet 49 Euro pro Benutzer, wobei ein Anwender mehrere Postfächer anschließen kann. Im Lizenzpreis ist außerdem ein Update-Service für die Dauer von 24 Monaten inbegriffen. Mit diesem Lizenzmodell stellt die ecoDMS GmbH wieder einmal unter Beweis, dass ein professionelles Archivsystem durchaus zu fairen und erschwinglichen Preisen verkauft werden kann.

Entwickler des Archivsystems ist, genau wie beim beliebten ecoDMS Archiv, die konzerneigene Firma applord. Mit ecoMAILZ hat die applord-Gruppe eine eigenständige Software speziell für die Archivierung von E-Mails geschaffen. Aktuelle und bestehende E-Mails können mit ecoMAILZ inklusive deren Anhänge automatisch, gesetzeskonform, günstig und direkt vom Mailserver archiviert werden. Der Administrator kann das Startdatum für die Archivierung frei und somit sogar rückwirkend definieren.

Gespeichert werden die Nachrichten in einem zentralen E-Mailarchiv beim Kunden selbst. Installiert werden kann die Software entweder an einem lokalen Arbeitsplatz oder im Netzwerk. Ein faires Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und das zweistufige Archivierungskonzept eröffnen ganz neue Möglichkeiten bei der E-Mailarchivierung. Das Archivsystem ecoMAILZ arbeitet gemäß der gesetzlichen Vorgaben. Ein neuartiges Archivierungsverfahren bietet den Nutzern optimale Sicherheit und eine perfekte Kontrollmöglichkeit bei der Mailarchivierung.

Die Weiterentwicklung von ecoMAILZ ist im vollen Gange. Für das vierte Quartal 2017 sind die Veröffentlichung neuer Funktionen und weiterer ecoMAILZ-Pakete für Linux-Distributionen und NAS-Geräte (via Docker) geplant. Des weiteren wird es neben dem bereits verfügbaren MS Outlook Addin auch ein eigenes Plugin für Thunderbird geben.

Interessenten können ecoMAILZ kostenlos herunterladen. Die Demoversion erlaubt den unverbindlichen Test mit bis zu 3000 E-Mails. Die Komponenten der Demo- und Vollversion sind identisch. Die Software steht auf der ecoDMS-Webseite zum Download für jedermann bereit.

Auf gibt es zudem ausführliche Informationen und Dokumentationen rund um das neue E-Mailarchiv der ecoDMS GmbH.
moday we have published the Windows components of our new email archive "ecoMAILZ". With this archive system anyone can archive emails modern, simple, automatically and legally-compliant.

ecoMAILZ Version 17.08 (donnie) is the first version of the email archive. With ecoMAILZ you can archive all new and existing emails including attachments automatically, legally-compliant and directly from the email server. You can specify the starting date for archiving emails. Build 1.0.1 is available for Windows now. You can find the changelog here:


ecoMAILZ offers import functions from different email servers and groupware solutions. Among these are
  • Microsoft Exchange Server,
  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), POP3
  • and the file system.
We also published
  • an addin for MS Outlook
  • and an ecoDMS plugin.
  • An addon for Thunderbird will be available soon.
You can get access from anywhere via an Internet browser on the computer, smartphone or tablet. The software is quick to install and easy to operate. A licence is available for a one-time payment of 49.00 Euro including 19% VAT per user. As of the purchasing date, free updates can be downloaded over a 2-year period. A user can archive and use several email accounts.

Learn more about the software, its features and system requirements, the license model and prices at A free demoversion, where you can archive up to 3000 e-mails without obligation, is also available for download here.

ecoMAILZ Details


Please note: The ecoMAILZ components for Linux distributions, Docker, NAS systems (Synology & QNAP) and the Thunderbird addon will follow shortly. The exact release date is not yet fixed. However, we expect a release during the course of the following weeks. We thank you in advance for your patience.
ecoDMS GmbH is an Aachen-based company specialised in the sales of state-of-the-art electronic archiving systems. The software company offers first-class standard software for digitalising and archiving documents, files, emails and information. Incredibly fair pricing, flexible configuration, platform independence and simple operation are key features of the software on offer. The software is aimed at companies, corporations as well as private users.

The archiving systems are developed and supported by the successful software manufacturer applord, a company which, like ecoDMS, is part of the renowned applord Holding Europe. With both archiving systems ecoDMS and ecoMAILZ, applord group proves that professional software for digitalisation and archiving can be offered to everyone at a fair price.

ecoDMS Document Archive

The cross-platform archiving system "ecoDMS" allows users to quickly scan, archive, manage and retrieve all documents. All data is stored at the customer's premises, and not on unknown servers. With just a few mouse-clicks the documents are archived, automatically full-text-indexed and, if required, also categorised without requiring any user interaction. Intelligent document recognition automatically determines document affiliation and stores the files in the correct place and for the specified users. The document archive is easy to access within seconds via desktop client, smart phone, tablet or web interface. State-of-the-art search functions make searching for documents as easy as googling. The software is quick to install and easy to operate.

The component-based process server (ecoDMS Server) allows platform independence and high scalability of the entire archiving solution. The system's service-oriented architecture (SOA) ensures that the existing IT infrastructure can be aligned flexibly with the business requirements of a company. This allows individual companies to assign the necessary structures, configurations and permissions to the archiving processes.

A license costs only 69 euros per concurrent connection. This price is unique in the DMS sector.

ecoMAILZ Email Archive

With ecoMAILZ users can archive all new and existing emails including attachments automatically, legally-compliant and directly from the email server. The user can specify the starting date for archiving emails. ecoMAILZ offers import functions from different email servers and groupware solutions. Among these are Microsoft Exchange Server, Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), POP3 and the file system.

In order to fulfil the requirements of email archiving and simultaneously exclude emails from the archive that are not subject to archiving requirements, ecoMAILZ works with a two-step archiving concept. During the archiving process, each message receives a status. In combination with a configurable examination period, users can manage the current archiving status in the Status dialogue box.

The ecoMAILZ container storage system offers the best possible security for storing, backing up and restoring all archived emails. A modern "Responsive Design" allows access to the email archive via web browser from the PC, smart phone or tablet. The archived emails can be retrieved quickly via the web client using full-text search. The software also contains a plugin to connect ecoMAILZ and the ecoDMS Archive.

ecoDMS GmbH convinces with a favorable licensing model. The unique price of 49 euros per user is unbeatable in the area of e-mail archiving.

ecoDMS sells its products through the internet. With just a few mouse-clicks, customers can purchase licences and support in the online shop. The software is immediately dispatched environmentally friendly via e-mail. Prior to purchasing, prospective users can always refer to the manufacturer's website for detailed information. All sales, price and product information are downloadable. The manuals describe in detail the installation steps, settings and functions of the products. Moreover, there are free videos and a demo version.

More information at
Archiving emails according to legal requirements at a low price. This is what ecoDMS GmbH customers can do as of now. The Aachen-based software company has today released their new standard software ecoMAILZ for simple, cross-platform and legally compliant email archiving. ecoMAILZ saves all electronic messages automatically to a central email archive. The fair value for money and the two-step archiving concept open up entirely new possibilities in email archiving. In the first step, there are the components for Windows. Other operating systems will follow.

Archiving all emails and their attachments can be performed automatically and is easy to use for everyone. The archiving system directly retrieves emails from the email server or from any folder. ecoMAILZ operates according to the legal requirements, which oblige companies to exclude emails from the archive that are not subject to archiving requirements. This, for example, includes private messages. Therefore, selected messages can be excluded from archiving within a specified viewing deadline. Only after the configurable viewing deadline has expired, emails are finally archived. This unique process offers users optimum security and reviewing options when archiving emails.

ecoMAILZ is based on a state-of-the-art container storage system. This proven storage technology does not require a separate database. ecoMAILZ automatically creates the required containers within the proprietary system environment during installation. The archived emails and their attachments are then securely encrypted and stored in these containers. This technology ensures long-term secure email storage, clean data backup and easy data recovery. The archived emails are accessed via the ecoMAILZ web client. This runs on all modern internet browsers. Thanks to the "responsive design", the web client can be used on various hardware such as PC, laptop, smart phone or tablet. Different search and filtering functions, such as full-text search, allow quick retrieval of archived messages.

ecoMAILZ offers import functions from different email servers and groupware solutions. Among these are Microsoft Exchange Server, Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), POP3 and the file system. The exact origin of the emails is stored in so-called adapters. Then the system automatically retrieves all emails for archiving, full-text indexes text, readable information and attachments, and saves the messages securely in containers in the email archive. Moreover, there is an addin for the email client Microsoft Outlook.

ecoDMS GmbH has become highly renowned in the DMS sector with its homonymous document archive ecoDMS. ecoDMS Archive today is considered the standard for audit-proof archiving of documents and information. ecoMAILZ is now set to follow the great success of ecoDMS as a standalone software solution.

To connect the two archiving systems ecoDMS and ecoMAILZ, ecoDMS GmbH has developed the option to also archive, access and retrieve emails in the document management system.

Setting up and installing ecoMAILZ is absolutely user friendly. Moreover, the licence fee is convincing. The affordable 49 Euros including 19% VAT per user makes ecoMAILZ the perfect email archive for private users, SMEs and large organisations. The licence price includes the email archive, including full-text indexing and plugins and add-ons for ecoDMS and the email clients.

The software can be downloaded for free trial at Following the trial period, the full version is activated by loading a valid licence. Comprehensive product information about the software components and services of ecoDMS GmbH is also available on the web.
The low-price ecoDMS software is considered to be the standard for qualified document archiving. Offering particularly good value for money, the Aachen-based software company has already convinced thousands of users in Europe. Private and corporate customers alike have had positive experiences with ecoDMS.

With a one-time licence fee of 69 Euro including 19% VAT per simultaneous connection for the entire archiving system, ecoDMS GmbH has reached a large audience. ecoDMS Archive proves that a good DMS with full functionality need not be expensive. More and more customers are enjoying the low-cost ecoDMS archiving solution. For a small extract from various ecoDMS users and their experience with the software, visit the following page:

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As a client-server system, the popular ecoDMS Archive offers everything you expect from a professional archiving solution. The application focuses on legally compliant, audit-proof archiving of all electronic files and paper documents. ecoDMS fulfils the technical requirements for revision-secure archiving according to the GoBD guideline and therefore complies with audit standards. It allows long-term archiving of any document type. Paper documents are digitalised with a document scanner and are then directly processed via the inbox in the ecoDMS Client. Files, for example, PDFs, drawings, images, TXT files and even music can be easily dragged and dropped from the file system to the archive. Office documents from MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, LibreOffice and OpenOffice Writer, Calc and Impress are archived in no time via the associated Office plugins. In this case you just click the ecoDMS icon integrated in the Office application. Anschließend erfolgt die Klassifizierung und die Ablage im Originalformat und als langzeit-sicheres PDF/A. Version management, moreover, allows further processing of the original file. The modified document can be saved to the ecoDMS Archive as a new version.

For email archiving in particular, ecoDMS has Addons for Thunderbird and Outlook. They enable manual and direct archiving of emails and their attachments from the email clients. The message is saved in the original EML format and then as PDF/A. Moreover, ecoDMS GmbH has announced an independent, standalone mail archiving system ecoMAILZ for summer 2017. This will allow automatic, legally compliant email archiving. The exact release date will be announced shortly.

Continue to ecoMAILZ

Archiving with ecoDMS products has no limits. The virtual ecoDMS PDF/A printer can even print files from other printing applications to the archive. Examples for this are inventory management systems, CRM systems, ERP systems and many more.

A particular highlight in document archiving is the ecoDMS template designer. It can be used to automatically classify and archive documents without user intervention. The designer helps users create any kind of classification template. Document assignment can be based on keywords, RegEx commands and the layout.

Retrieving the archived documents with ecoDMS is also child’s play. All readable information, including file metadata, is automatically full-text indexed in the background. This makes searching for documents as easy as googling. Users can search for any search term as well as for the stored classification attributes. Classifications, for example, are folder, document type, date, note, status and much more.

ecoDMS can be configured to suit the needs of any user group. Individual folder structures, document types, user groups and access permissions can be defined in the Settings dialogue box

The enormous scalability combined with the convenient platform-independence allows the application in very small and also in large IT infrastructures. ecoDMS can be installed under Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and MacOS on a local PC, in a network and as SaaS solution in the cloud. Moreover, ecoDMS offers a server component for NAS devices from QNAP and Synology via Docker image and as creative playground under Raspbian for the Raspberry Pi. ecoDMS is also available as App for Android and iOS.

The 69 Euro licence price includes all ecoDMS Archive components. A licence is valid for an unlimited period and independent of the number of documents. The modern container storage system and the associated postgreSQL database allow unlimited data volume. The ecoDMS technology moreover offers the ideal base for qualified backup and restore.

At the software is available together with plenty of information for download. ecoDMS can be used as a demo version for a trial period of 30 days. Following the trial period, the functions are restricted and the software continues in the Free4Three version. This may only be used for private purposes for a maximum of 3 users. Those who wish to use the system commercially with full functionality need to purchase a licence.
In times of digital communication and management, electronic document management for private users and companies has become indispensable. For those who want to comply with the GoBD requirements and save all documents, files and data in a central archive and ensure revision-security (audit-proofness), ecoDMS Archive is the perfect solution.

The software from the homonymous Aachen manufacturer fulfils the legal requirements for audit-proofness, is low-price, quick to install and easy to use for everyone. Private users and companies of any size and industry can rely on audit-proof storage of all digital data and paper documents, and manage and retrieve their data within seconds.

The client-server system is considered to be the standard for long-term, audit-proof document archiving. At a licence fee of 69 Euro per simultaneous connection, ecoDMS is far below the market average. There is no limit for document quantity or licence validity. The lifetime licence price guarantee even offers customers a constant and absolutely fair licence fee.

All documents and data is easily and quickly retrievable with ecoDMS. The integrated OCR full-text recognition automatically includes all readable data. Thanks to this technology, all stored files can be quickly retrieved after they have been archived. Users have various search functions to retrieve their documents. The search term is entered in the search line and immediately ecoDMS displays the matching results. Users can also assign classification attributes, such as document type, folder, date, role, status and other values, to each document. This information can then be easily included in the document search. All necessary structures and access privileges can be flexibly configured to suit the individual needs. To do so, there are various configuration options available.

Users of ecoDMS can save a lot of time and money when saving, storing and retrieving all their documents. It optimises internal document processes, lowers business expenses and enables a perfect overview of all documents.

Whether they are PDFs, Office files, images, music, contracts, account statements, delivery notes or other files: The ecoDMS Archive offers storage space for all documents.

Paper documents can be digitalised with a document scanner and retrieved, assigned and archived via the inbox in the ecoDMS client. The system can also perform the archiving and classification processes fully automatically.

Files that are already available in digital form can be archived directly with drag & drop. Intelligent document recognition automatically determines document affiliation and stores the files in the correct place and for the responsible member of staff.

Plugins are available for Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Microsoft Outlook and Thunderbird to allow quick archiving from these applications.

The virtual ecoDMS PDF/A printer helps archive documents from any printable third-party applications like accounting or inventory management applications.

The low purchasing price comprises the entire document archive, including full-text recognition and all Office, email and mobile plugins. A modern sales channel without data carriers, shipping fees and 3rd party licences enables the sensationally low licence price. Quick installation, easy handling and cross-platform application under Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS, Raspbian, Docker (incl. support for Synology and QNAP), Android and iOS round off the concept of the Aachen-based IT company.

For more information visit There is also a free demo version of ecoDMS available for download. For private users ecoDMS GmbH also offers a free version of the archiving solution with the Free4Three edition for up to 3 users.