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The ecoDMS version 18.09 (apu) document management system stores all documents securely and according to legal requirements in a central, digital document archive. The system complies with auditing standards and is aligned with the legal requirements of the generally accepted principles of computerised accounting systems in Germany and the GDPR. To comply with the generally accepted principles of computerised accounting systems in Germany and the GDPR, the current Major release of ecoDMS has received a new set of features. In a secure, multi-step process, released documents can be irrevocably removed from the archiving system in accordance with the specified retention period. Users created in the system can be removed if necessary, and their document and folder permissions can be transferred to another user. With the erasure of the user, all associated user information is anonymised in the archive.

Deleting Documents According to the Generally Accepted Principles of Computerised Accounting Systems in Germany (GoBD) and the GDPR

ecoDMS has a multi-step data erasure policy which is aligned with the legal privacy policies and the requirements of the generally accepted principles of computerised accounting systems in Germany. Documents can be moved to a virtual trash, from where they can be released for erasure by authorised users in accordance with the specified retention periods and then finally removed from the archive. With the irrevocable erasure of a file, all text information in the document history and classification is anonymised. In addition, the actual document is replaced by an erasure log containing a justification. User access to the log and its "classification remainders" requires special system permissions.

Legally Compliant Removal of Users

If required, users can be irrevocably removed. In this case permissions in classifications and folder structures are transferred to another existing user. This user can also be a group or a system permission. The erased user is then removed from all system processes. This also applies to user name entries in the document history. These are anonymised according to legal requirements.

Audit-Proof Archiving with ecoDMS

The ecoDMS archiving system fulfils the technical requirements for legally compliant, revision-secure archiving of all documents and files. Revision security in general, however, depends on many factors and can only be obtained by the company, which is using the archive. A substantial aspect in revision security is a technically revision-compliant archiving software, which includes professional setup and handling, correct assignment of permissions, regular data backup, and the implementation of correct internal workflows within the individual company. Furthermore, companies are required to document their processes according to the GoBD as proof for revision-security.

Number One in Document Archiving

ecoDMS has been the standard for professional document archiving for many years. This modern archiving system can be used for scanning, archiving, managing and quickly retrieving documents and information on a PC, smart phone or tablet. All documents can be archived, automatically full-text indexed and, if required, classified with a few mouse-clicks without requiring user interaction. ecoDMS uses intelligent template recognition to automatically determine document affiliation and stores the files in the correct place and for the specified users.

The archive can be accessed from any platform and location via desktop or web client. Integrated text recognition and numerous search functions make searching for documents as easy as googling. The entire system is quick to install and easy to operate. The software complies with legal and auditing requirements and includes a professional backup system.

This is just a small extract of the large range of functions of this software. The system is available at a low one-time price of 89 Euro incl. 19% VAT per simultaneous connection at and at more than 1000 resellers.