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Electronic archiving of any documents, emails, data and information becomes available to everyone with the digital ecoDMS document archive. The archiving solution from Aachen allows low-cost and user-friendly document storage according to the German guidelines for the generally accepted principles of computerised accounting systems. The affordable licence fee of 69 Euro gross per simultaneous connection comprises full functionality. For private users the software is free in the Free4Three edition. Software components, comprehensive documentation, training videos and much more are available for free at

The server-side of the client-server system runs under Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and Docker with support for NAS devices from Synology and QNAP. The user interfaces are also available for MacOS, web browsers, Android and iOS.

The ecoDMS archiving software is ideal for electronic storage of all private and business documents. Following the installation, users can immediately start saving their data and documents.

Paper documents are digitalised with a document scanner and archived via the ecoDMS Inbox. Files that are already in the file system can be easily dragged into the ecoDMS user interface. For incoming and outgoing emails, the full version also provides addons for MS Outlook and Thunderbird. For MS Office, OpenOffice and LibreOffice, ecoDMS provides plugins that allow immediate archiving and version management from those applications. The ecoDMS PDF/A printer can be used for other third party applications. The PDF/A printer allows direct archiving from any printable software and stores the documents safely in PDF/A format. The integrated OneClick backup function caters for data backup and recovery. All components are included in the one-off licence fee. A qualified classification dialogue box ensures correct document assignment. This dialogue box helps users to individually configure the folder, document status, roles, document type and much more for each file. Assigning classification information is performed either manually by the user or fully automatically by ecoDMS. Intelligent document recognition then automatically moves the documents to the archive based on the document's layout and the content.

Once they have been stored electronically, the documents can be retrieved very quickly. Users can access their files via the ecoDMS user interfaces from their PCs, web browsers, smart phones and tablets. To do so, ecoDMS offers various easy to use search and filter functions. The integrated full-text search is particularly helpful. By entering search terms, you can retrieve the data you are looking for just like googling. In a PDF preview, ecoDMS then displays the retrieved document.

The entire document archive can be adapted to any business structure through the Settings dialogue box and professional user and group management. They can be used to create and manage folder structures, document types, statuses, access privileges and any other attributes. For those using LDAP or Active Directory, ecoDMS has an integrated API.

The ecoDMS document archive fulfils the GoBD directive.

The website of the Aachen-based software company offers all the software components for free download with a 30-day trial period. The ecoDMS online shop offers the purchase of licences for the full version.
The Aachen-based ecoDMS Software GmbH stands for modern and innovative software solutions for legally compliant archiving. The main selling points of ecoDMS products are their user-friendly interface, cross-platform application, comprehensive functionality and fair pricing.

ecoDMS Document Management

With its homonymous document archive ecoDMS, the IT company has been highly successful over many years. ecoDMS Archive is the ideal software for scanning, archiving, managing and retrieving any type of document and information. Invoices, offers, delivery notes, agreements, emails, images, drawings or PDFs: ecoDMS offers secure, long-term storage for all documents and information. The software is ideal for businesses of all sizes and industries. Moreover, the contents and pricing also make it a perfect tool for private users.

To ensure compliance with the current guidelines for the generally accepted principles of computerised accounting systems, the software with its modern client-server technology, document history function and professional user and group management fulfils the technical requirements for audit-proof archiving.

The system is quick to install and easy to operate. ecoDMS Archive has all functions that are expected of an archiving system: Incoming e-mail processing of scanned documents, convenient storage of all digital files using drag & drop, various plugins for Office and email programmes. ecoDMS leaves nothing to be desired.

The integrated full-text search makes retrieving archived files childsplay. The system automatically full-text indexes all readable information. With the appropriate search terms, documents are retrievable within seconds. The documents can be viewed directly in a PDF preview window of the ecoDMS client.

The ecoDMS software is available for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS, Docker, including support for Synology and QNAP, Raspbian, Android and iOS. This allows virtually limitless document access from any location.

ecoMAILZ eMail Management

As of summer 2017, ecoDMS GmbH will up the ante once again. In times of digitalisation, email archiving is becoming increasingly important. In the light of recent events, ecoDMS is releasing its new software ecoMAILZ for legally compliant email archiving. ecoMAILZ extends the portfolio of the Aachen software company with another indispensable archiving solution.

ecoMAILZ receives incoming and outgoing emails directly from the server and automatically archives them. The software fulfils the technical requirements for legally compliant, audit-proof archiving of emails. When developing ecoMAILZ, ecoDMS GmbH ensured from the beginning that it was implemented according to the generally accepted principles of computerised accounting systems.

ecoMAILZ allows users to import existing emails from any chosen point in time, as well as to easily switch from other email archiving systems to ecoMAILZ. The programme archives all emails and their attachments in compliance with auditing and legal requirements. Of course, you can also archive older emails retroactively. The two-step archiving concept opens up entirely new options for email archiving and securing privacy.

The pricing of ecoMAILZ will be unique, just like ecoDMS. The low-price licensing model will also apply for this software. ecoDMS and ecoMAILZ are expected to merge in future.

The release of ecoMAILZ is planned for summer 2017. ecoDMS will announce the exact release date in due time on its website.

For this and more information about the archive vendor visit
ecoDMS Archive from the German IT company ecoDMS GmbH is an electronic document archive for quick, easy and convenient digitalisation and archiving of all records and files. Due to the one-off price of 69 Euro per licence, ecoDMS is ideal for a large spectrum of target groups. The archiving solution ecoDMS is convincing small and large companies as well as private users. For private use, the software is available for free in the Free4Three edition.

ecoDMS is a client-server system, which can be implemented in a company network or on an individual PC with full functionality. The steps for installation, setup and application have a highly user-friendly design and documentation to enable all users to get to work quickly. ecoDMS Archive facilitates revision-secure storage of any type of files, documents and e-mails in a central, electronic archive. The system can be adjusted to suit the structures and processes of customers. There are various "tools" which virtually automate the archiving process and help save time and money when saving and managing all files. The integrated template designer creates classification templates, for example, which execute the archiving and assignment process automatically when a file is recognized. The user simply transfers the document into the archive and the process is performed automatically.

The documents are also automatically full-text indexed during the archiving process. This makes searching for documents as easy as googling. Users can search for terms and metadata. The matching search results are displayed within seconds in a PDF preview.

Accessing the archive has virtually no boundaries. For computers and laptops, the ecoDMS client offers convenient access. For smart phones and tablets there are Android and iOS apps available for download. They enable mobile access to the archive from anywhere. Moreover, there is also a web client. The web client allows access to ecoDMS via web browser.

For Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Thunderbird and Outlook, the full version contains proprietary addons and plugins. The addons and plugins enable the archiving of emails, attachments and Office files from the above-mentioned applications. During this archiving process, ecoDMS creates a revision-compliant PDF/A document and saves the original file for further processing.

ecoDMS fulfils the technical requirements for legally compliant, revision-secure archiving of all documents and files. Efficient user and group management, a professional permissions system, a detailed history, and many more features make this a perfect document management system for everyone.

For more detailed product information, documentation, videos and a downloadable demo version, please visit
The ecoDMS software from Aachen is said to be the cheapest and most popular archiving system for scanning, archiving, managing and retrieving any types of files and data. The installation, setup and application of this client-server system is simple and user-friendly. The affordable price at a one-off 69 Euro per license for the entire system, including integrated full-text indexing and interfaces for Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Thunderbird and Outlook, is very impressive. At all software components and manuals are available for download in the download area.

ecoDMS Archive significantly optimises document archiving and management. With just a few mouse-clicks the documents are archived, automatically full-text-indexed and, if required, also categorised without any interaction by the user. Intelligent document recognition automatically determines document affiliation and stores the files in the correct place and for the specified users.

Users can store virtually all file formats in ecoDMS Archive. There is no limitation on storage volume. The archive can be accessed as a local installation, via network, through the web and via mobile app. The desktop application offers a perfect overview of the stored documents and data in the network or locally on the PC. Those who want to access archived data while travelling can find their data files via ecoDMS mobile app. Via web client it is possible to retrieve data through the different web browsers. ecoDMS is a cross-platform application which can run on Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS, Raspberry Pi, Docker (incl. QNAP & Synology NAS), Android and iOS. ecoDMS automatically full-text indexes the files and their metadata during the archiving process. For this process ecoDMS uses the free OpenSource component "Tesseract". Using the integrated full-text search, the indexed documents can be retrieved within seconds. Searching for documents works like googling. Users merely need to enter the required search term and ecoDMS immediately displays the results, including a preview for PDF files.

Access permissions and classifications can be assigned to each document and each ecoDMS folder. The qualified access privileges system ensures the privacy of the archived data and allows specific data assignment. The classification feature categorises documents within the system and assigns the appropriate classification attributes, such as date, document type, status, and many more.

ecoDMS GmbH are pioneering an entirely new way of electronically archiving paper documents, digital files and emails. Being the lowest priced archiving system in the world, ecoDMS Archive is the standard for cross-platform, long-term, revision-secure document archiving. The software convinces with simple operation, state-of-the-art technology and powerful functions.

The Aachen-based software company is part of the renowned applord group, which has specialised on further developing and modernising digital processes as software services provider for large companies since 2001.

Prospective purchasers can download the ecoDMS software for free in the download area at Following the installation, users can test the archive for a trial period of 30 days. After the expiry of the demo version, the functional scope is reduced and the software continues to function as the Free4Three edition. This can be used for free by private users. To activate the full version, users can purchase a licence in the ecoDMS online shop. The number of required licenses depends on the simultaneous connections to ecoDMS Archive. The one-time price per simultaneous access is 69 Euro including 19% VAT. The licence term is unlimited for the respective ecoDMS version, regardless of the number of documents archived.

For a quick understanding of the software, free training videos are available with extensive user documentation. For this and more free information, please visit the ecoDMS website.
ecoDMS is a modern software solution for the long-term, revision-secure storage of all documents in an electronic archiving system. The low purchasing price of 69 Euro per licence and the simple operation enable both private and business users of all sizes and industries to employ ecoDMS Archive. For private users ecoDMS is even available for free in the Free4Three Edition with limited functionality.

ecoDMS is a client-server system which is easy to install and quick to learn. Users can install the server component and the user interfaces with just a few mouse-clicks in their own system environment. Prior to installation, all necessary software components can be downloaded for free from the ecoDMS website. At there is also plenty of text, image and video material available for free. The licenses can also be downloaded online.

Digital document archiving is childsplay with ecoDMS. Paper documents are digitalised with a document scanner, imported via the ecoDMS inbox and then archived accordingly. Digital files are directly dragged from the file system to the document archive. Individual classification information and access permissions can be assigned to each archived document. This process can be completely automated with the template designer. You can use it to create any type of template. If a document is scanned in or enters the archive in any other way, ecoDMS recognises the file with the available templates and automatically assigns and classifies it. The files are full-text indexed following the archiving process. For this process, ecoDMS uses the OpenSource-based OCR "Tesseract". It reads file information and text from the documents automatically in the background and enables document searching, which is as easy as googling. For the user, this means: Enter easy search terms and see the result immediately.

ecoDMS saves all files and information in a postgreSQL database. Moreover, ecoDMS uses the state-of-the-art container storage system. This storage method offers brand new options for document archiving, data backup and restoring. The archiving system can be installed across platforms on Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS, Raspbian and Docker with support for Synology and QNAP-NAS. Moreover, there are mobile apps for iOS and Android, a web client for the internet browser, plugins for popular email applications like Outlook and Thunderbird, interfaces for Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice and a virtual PDF/A printer for archiving from external software products.

An ecoDMS licence comprises all available components, plugins, addons, apps and ecoDMS functions. This also includes version management, various search functions and filters, qualified user and group management, and much more.

At interested users can download the ecoDMS Archive for a free trial period of 30 days. After the trial period, the test version turns into the Free4Three Edition for private use if no licence for the full version is purchased and activated.
ecoDMS GmbH based in Aachen, Germany, offers a homonymous archiving system called ecoDMS for scanning, archiving and managing any types of files and documents. The IT company builds on state-of-the-art technologies, fair pricing and user-friendly handling. At the same time, the client-server system fulfils all requirements for long-term revision-secure document archiving.

This is why ecoDMS is well-established on the software market. Thousands of private users and corporate customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have already been using ecoDMS successfully for a long time. At the affordable purchasing price of 69 Euro incl. 19% VAT per simultaneous connection, ecoDMS is the lowest-cost archiving system of all times. The licence fee is paid only once and comprises the entire archiving system, including automatic full-text indexing and all Office and mail plugins. ecoDMS securely saves all documents and information in a database. Moreover, the software uses a modern container storage system. All necessary components, including the database, are installed on site at the customer. Following the installation, users can quickly access the archive. With just a few mouse clicks, ecoDMS displays the required documents. Searching for documents is as easy as googling.

Through the integrated version management, Office files, for example, can be edited after they have been stored and then saved as a new version. All versions are secured with a timestamp and a user name, and can be restored if required.

The revision-secure document history allows the responsible roles to always keep an overview of each document activity. The "History" function displays all user activities and classifications.

Those using ecoDMS can archive any data type, such as PDF, Office files, emails, images, music, agreements, invoices, account statements, delivery notes, and much more. Of course, this also applies to paper documents. With the appropriate document scanner, incoming mail documents are scanned and then easily archived via the ecoDMS inbox. Moreover, the full version contains plugins for standard Office and email programmes.

The classification processes, that is assignment, and document archiving can be set up individually and flexibly. There is also an option to completely automate the archiving and classification process using a template designer. The ecoDMS software recognises the incoming documents and executes the necessary steps automatically.

Backing up data with ecoDMS is also child’s play. The archiving system contains different backup and restore functions. They allow making secure and user-friendly backups of the document archive.

A very convenient asset is that ecoDMS can be used on all platforms and on smart phones and tablets. The software is available for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian, Docker with Synology and QNAP NAS support, MacOS, Android and iOS.

This is only a very small extract of all the exciting possibilities ecoDMS offers. At the ecoDMS website the software is available for free download. Users can test the archive for the first 30 days in a demo version. Following this test phase, ecoDMS automatically changes into the Free4Three version. The Free4Three version has restricted functionality but can be used for free for private purposes. The full version is activated with a valid licence code. You can conveniently purchase the licence in the manufacturer's online shop.
Das beliebte und weltweit günstigste Archivsystem ecoDMS kommt aus Aachen. Mit ecoDMS bietet das gleichnamige Unternehmen, die ecoDMS GmbH, eine Lösung an, die Privatleute und Firmen beliebiger Größen und Branchen nutzen können.

Bei ecoDMS handelt es sich um eine Software, die für jeden erschwinglich und verständlich ist. Ein fairer Lizenzpreis, ohne jegliche verpflichtende Zusatzkosten bei vollem Funktionsumfang, ist ein wesentliches Merkmal. ecoDMS ist das erste Archivsystem für die breite Masse. Der erschwingliche Preis von 69 Euro brutto pro Lizenz für das gesamte Archivsystem inklusive Volltexterkennung und jeglicher Office- und Mail Plugins ist einmalig.

Die clevere Kombination ausgereifter OpenSource Komponenten, gepaart mit professionellen Eigenentwicklungen, einer neuartigen Plugin-Technologie, plattformunabhängigen Oberflächen und einem modernen Vertriebsmodell haben der Digitalisierung und Archivierung ganz neue Wege eröffnet. Europaweit hat ecoDMS schon tausende Nutzer überzeugt.

Papierdokumente, E-Mails, Verträge, Rechnungen, PDFs, Zeichnungen, Office-Dokumente, Tabellen, Bilder, Musik, Videos, Briefe; nahezu jede Datei kann mit diesem plattformunabhängigen Archivsystem revisionssicher an einem zentralen Speicherort aufbewahrt werden. Mit wenigen Mausklicks werden die Dokumente archiviert, automatisch volltextindiziert und bei Bedarf sogar automatisch kategorisiert. Eine intelligente Dokumentenerkennung ermittelt dabei selbstständig die Dokumentenzugehörigkeit und legt die Datei an der richtigen Stelle und für die zuständigen Benutzer ab.

Das Wiederfinden der gespeicherten ecoDMS Dateien ist so einfach wie googeln. In Sekundenschnelle zeigt ecoDMS die gewünschten Suchergebnisse inklusive einer Dokumentenvorschau für PDFs am eigenen Bildschirm an.

Mit der Archivierung kümmert sich ecoDMS außerdem um die Vertraulichkeit der Dokumente. Für jeden Ordner und jedes Dokument können individuelle Zugriffsrechte vergeben werden. Zur Wahrung der Revisionssicherheit verfügt ecoDMS unter anderem auch über eine Historie. Hier werden die Verarbeitungs- und Archivierungsschritte einer Datei automatisch protokolliert.

Alles in allem ist ecoDMS eine Runde Sache: Ein leicht zu bedienendes Dokumentenarchiv mit einem einzigartigen Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, das sich für beliebige Benutzergruppen eignet.

Papierdokumente können mit einem Dokumentenscanner eingescannt werden und dann via Inbox bequem und einfach archiviert werden. Speziell für die gängigen Office Anwendungen wie Microsoft Office, LibreOffice und OpenOffice verfügt ecoDMS über fertige Plugins. Diese sind in wenigen Schritten installiert und ermöglichen dann eine direkte Archivierung aus den genannten Anwendungen. Über die integrierte Versionsverwaltung können die Office Dateien anschließend sogar weiter bearbeitet und als neue Version abgespeichert werden. Eigene Addons gibt es außerdem für die E-Mailarchivierung aus Microsoft Outlook und Mozilla Thunderbird. Diese erlauben eine sichere Ablage der E-Mails und deren Anhänge.

Besonders praktisch ist auch der virtuelle PDF/A Drucker von ecoDMS. Dokumente können hiermit sofort aus beliebigen druckfähigen Programmen wie zum Beispiel Bildbearbeitungssoftware, Grafikanwendungen oder Buchhaltungssoftware im PDF/A Format archiviert werden. Hierzu genügt ein einfacher Klick auf die Druckfunktion des entsprechenden Programms.

Im DMS-Onlineshop unter können die Kunden bargeldlos Lizenzen und Support zu fairen Preisen erwerben. Die Zustellung erfolgt anschließend schnell per E-Mail. Jegliche Produkt-, Preis- und Vertriebsdetails sind zudem frei zugänglich auf veröffentlicht. Es gibt sogar kostenlose Schulungsvideos. Außerdem kann ecoDMS 30 Tage unverbindlich getestet werden. Mit der Free4Three Edition gibt es zudem eine Gratis-Version für Privatleute.