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ecoDMS Archive from the German IT company ecoDMS GmbH is an electronic document archive for quick, easy and convenient digitalisation and archiving of all records and files. Due to the one-off price of 69 Euro per licence, ecoDMS is ideal for a large spectrum of target groups. The archiving solution ecoDMS is convincing small and large companies as well as private users. For private use, the software is available for free in the Free4Three edition.

ecoDMS is a client-server system, which can be implemented in a company network or on an individual PC with full functionality. The steps for installation, setup and application have a highly user-friendly design and documentation to enable all users to get to work quickly. ecoDMS Archive facilitates revision-secure storage of any type of files, documents and e-mails in a central, electronic archive. The system can be adjusted to suit the structures and processes of customers. There are various "tools" which virtually automate the archiving process and help save time and money when saving and managing all files. The integrated template designer creates classification templates, for example, which execute the archiving and assignment process automatically when a file is recognized. The user simply transfers the document into the archive and the process is performed automatically.

The documents are also automatically full-text indexed during the archiving process. This makes searching for documents as easy as googling. Users can search for terms and metadata. The matching search results are displayed within seconds in a PDF preview.

Accessing the archive has virtually no boundaries. For computers and laptops, the ecoDMS client offers convenient access. For smart phones and tablets there are Android and iOS apps available for download. They enable mobile access to the archive from anywhere. Moreover, there is also a web client. The web client allows access to ecoDMS via web browser.

For Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Thunderbird and Outlook, the full version contains proprietary addons and plugins. The addons and plugins enable the archiving of emails, attachments and Office files from the above-mentioned applications. During this archiving process, ecoDMS creates a revision-compliant PDF/A document and saves the original file for further processing.

ecoDMS fulfils the technical requirements for legally compliant, revision-secure archiving of all documents and files. Efficient user and group management, a professional permissions system, a detailed history, and many more features make this a perfect document management system for everyone.

For more detailed product information, documentation, videos and a downloadable demo version, please visit