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ecoDMS is a modern software solution for the long-term, revision-secure storage of all documents in an electronic archiving system. The low purchasing price of 69 Euro per licence and the simple operation enable both private and business users of all sizes and industries to employ ecoDMS Archive. For private users ecoDMS is even available for free in the Free4Three Edition with limited functionality.

ecoDMS is a client-server system which is easy to install and quick to learn. Users can install the server component and the user interfaces with just a few mouse-clicks in their own system environment. Prior to installation, all necessary software components can be downloaded for free from the ecoDMS website. At there is also plenty of text, image and video material available for free. The licenses can also be downloaded online.

Digital document archiving is childsplay with ecoDMS. Paper documents are digitalised with a document scanner, imported via the ecoDMS inbox and then archived accordingly. Digital files are directly dragged from the file system to the document archive. Individual classification information and access permissions can be assigned to each archived document. This process can be completely automated with the template designer. You can use it to create any type of template. If a document is scanned in or enters the archive in any other way, ecoDMS recognises the file with the available templates and automatically assigns and classifies it. The files are full-text indexed following the archiving process. For this process, ecoDMS uses the OpenSource-based OCR "Tesseract". It reads file information and text from the documents automatically in the background and enables document searching, which is as easy as googling. For the user, this means: Enter easy search terms and see the result immediately.

ecoDMS saves all files and information in a postgreSQL database. Moreover, ecoDMS uses the state-of-the-art container storage system. This storage method offers brand new options for document archiving, data backup and restoring. The archiving system can be installed across platforms on Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS, Raspbian and Docker with support for Synology and QNAP-NAS. Moreover, there are mobile apps for iOS and Android, a web client for the internet browser, plugins for popular email applications like Outlook and Thunderbird, interfaces for Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice and a virtual PDF/A printer for archiving from external software products.

An ecoDMS licence comprises all available components, plugins, addons, apps and ecoDMS functions. This also includes version management, various search functions and filters, qualified user and group management, and much more.

At interested users can download the ecoDMS Archive for a free trial period of 30 days. After the trial period, the test version turns into the Free4Three Edition for private use if no licence for the full version is purchased and activated.