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The ecoDMS software is a data management system for scanning, archiving, managing and retrieving any type of data and document. The archiving system is ideal because it is platform-independent, simple, flexible, and can be licensed for small and large companies. ecoDMS can be applied in all kinds of industries and even in private households. For private use the archive comes for free with limited functionality. The full version is available for the affordable price of 49 Euros.

Digitalising and archiving files and documents with ecoDMS is up-to-date and easy. With ecoDMS you can archive virtually all file formats safely and long-term. ecoDMS can be integrated easily into your network or you can use it on a PC. As a client-server system, the ecoDMS server forms the base of the entire application. The server is not a piece of hardware, but a software component. The ecoDMS server is installed on a computer, a server or an NAS. The ecoDMS clients and plugins can be installed on any number of computers.

The ecoDMS development and licensing model is unique. Our engineers have combined professional custom developments with mature open source components. For example, the OCR engine "Tesseract" is integrated in ecoDMS. The database is also open source. With "postgreSQL" ecoDMS has opted for a platform-independent database that offers virtually unrestricted data volume. As these are free software components, customers have no additional costs.

As a data management system, ecoDMS has all functions for convenient archiving. Documents stored in ecoDMS can be automatically assigned according to specified attributes and also archived without requiring manual intervention from the user. This is made possible by the intelligent ecoDMS template designer. It automatically recognises incoming documents, sorts the data to the right place, automatically fills in the necessary classification attributes, and even automatically stores the data in ecoDMS if desired.

For archiving ecoDMS offers various options. These include archiving via drag and drop directly into the ecoDMS client, scanning and archiving via ecoICE, printing with the virtual PDF/A printer, archiving through various Office plugins, e-mail add-ons and mobile apps, and the option of archiving via web interface.

Searching for archived data with ecoDMS is as easy as googling. Readable files, the classification attributes and metadata are full-text indexed automatically by ecoDMS. The full-text search allows a search process across all recognised information. The documents can be retrieved in a matter of seconds.

You can download the software for free at the ecoDMS website Following the installation ecoDMS is available for 30 days as a demo version with full functionality. If no licence code is entered, the system automatically restricts the functions after 30 days. This is then the Free4Three Edition. It may only be used privately, but for an unlimited period of time. Those, who want to use ecoDMS after the demo phase and/or with the full scope of functions, need a licence for the full version.