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Dokumentenscanner, E-Reader, ecoDMS Lizenzen, ecoDMS Gutscheine

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The ecoDMS document management system allows users to scan, archive and manage invoices and any other types of documents. A document scanner can be used to scan invoices, contracts and other paper documents. After they have been digitalised, the documents can quickly and safely be archived in ecoDMS. Searching for the documents afterwards with ecoDMS is as easy as googling. The search terms and search criteria are entered into the search box. ecoDMS then directly returns the respective search results.

Apart from the paper documents, ecoDMS is also ideal for archiving Office files, PDFs, e-mails, music files and other digital files. The system is able to accommodate virtually all file formats. ecoDMS enables everyone to digitalise their documents. With ecoDMS, all data and documents are located in a central archive. Searching, archiving and managing all this information can easily be centralised with ecoDMS.

The archiving criteria for the documents can be assigned for each document according to user needs. For example, folder structures, document types, status and access rights can be customised to suit the needs of any company or private user. All settings can be made by the administrator. To do this, ecoDMS offers a flexible and easily comprehensible settings dialogue box. A professional user and group management perfectly rounds off the configuration options.

The entire document management system is platform-independent, freely scalable and easy to operate. This opens up a large target group. From the private user and small to medium-sized companies to large corporations, ecoDMS can be employed everywhere. All DMS functions are included in the licence price of 49 Euros. The license price is one-off and depends on the number of simultaneous connections to the archive. If 4 users are working simultaneously with ecoDMS, 4 one-off licences are required. There are no additional costs. ecoDMS can also be used privately for free, with a few restrictions.

ecoDMS contains everything a document management system (records management system) needs to have: Full-text recognition, OCR, full-text search, classification, version management, notes function, web interface, mobile apps for smartphones and tablets, advanced filtering options, LDAP and active directory connection, plugins for Microsoft Office, LibreOffice and OpenOffice, Add-ons for Thunderbird and Outlook, a PDF/A printer and an API are only a fragment of the spectrum of functions ecoDMS offers.

ecoDMS can be installed and used flexibly to suit the customer's needs. The software convinces with state-of-the-art technology and sensational value for money. As a client-server system, ecoDMS can be used on a single workstation, as a network version or as SaaS hosting solution. The number of users can be selected through the ecoDMS licence and can be increased at any time in form of licence upgrades. The documents are secure in the customer's own server in the postgreSQL database, as opposed to being located on third party servers or on your file system, where they can easily be manipulated.

ecoDMS is available for free download at After the first installation, ecoDMS is automatically enabled as demo version for the first 30 days. The demo includes all ecoDMS functions, add-ons and plugins, except for mobile services. If no licence code is entered, the system automatically restricts the functions after 30 days. This is then the Free4Three Edition. It may only be used privately, but for an unlimited period of time. Those, who want to use ecoDMS after the demo phase and/or with the full scope of functions, need a licence for the full version. This licence can be purchased from the ecoDMS online shop.