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In the digital world and the associated directives regulating the storage of files, emails, documents and information, electronic archiving and the digitization of documents is gaining a higher priority. ecoDMS GmbH based in Aachen offers a user-friendly cross-platform software for digitalization, archiving, management and automation at fair value-for-money.

ecoDMS GmbH has become well-established on the DMS market in recent years. The homonymous software “ecoDMS” helps users archive, manage, and find documents and information from their PC, smart phone or tablet.
Being the lowest priced archiving solution in the world, ecoDMS Archive sets the standard for cross-platform, long-term, revision-compliant document archiving. Thousands of long-term business customers and private users are convinced of the benefits ecoDMS software offers for managing their daily office chores, particularly archiving and searching for documents.

Nearly every file format can be archived permanently in ecoDMS. Everything is stored in one central location on the customer’s site - as opposed to the cloud or on third party servers. ecoDMS is a client-server solution and integrates optimally into the existing infrastructure of the end user. The software can be installed as a single-seat solution, on small and large networks, as a rental solution (SaaS) or on a NAS. ecoDMS runs under Windows, Linux, NAS and MacOS.

In ecoDMS all readable files and information is automatically full-text indexed (OCD). This is how the archive learns and saves the available texts. This makes searching for documents as easy as googling. To retrieve documents, you only need to enter the matching search terms in the ecoDMS search box. The search results immediately display, complete with document preview.

ecoDMS can also be used remotely through the integrated web client. This allows access to the archive from a mobile phone or from a laptop at home through a regular internet browser. Especially in times like these, in which COVID-19 is forcing many people to work from home, the web client presents a practical and great alternative to the desktop client. The web client has numerous functions of the desktop version. Sporting an inbox for scanned documents, general archive access with upload and download functions, intelligent search functions including filter templates, version management and many other features, ecoDMS web client is introducing a new era of document archiving.

ecoDMS can greatly facilitate document processes. The system allows automatic document recognition, assignment and archiving. Incoming documents can be automatically assigned according to specified attributes and archived without further user action. This is facilitated by the intelligent ecoDMS template designer. It automatically recognises, correctly sorts and assigns permissions to files.

Be it a private user, a small, medium-sized or large company: ecoDMS can be specifically configured to suit the needs of all. Professional user and group management also allows secure access to the system, its features and the archived files.

This is only a small extract from the many features ecoDMS offers. The document management system can be downloaded for free from website and tested for 30 days as a trial version. Following the trial phase, private users can use the Fee4Three version of ecoDMS permanently for free. The full version has a one-time price of 89 Euro incl. 19% VAT per concurrent connection and can be purchased in the online shop of ecoDMS GmbH.
An efficient development and sales strategy has turned ecoDMS into a sales hit. The lifetime license-fee guarantee (LLG) offers customers a constant and fair license fee.

For this and much more information about the products and services from ecoDMS GmbH, visit