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ecoDMS enables the storage of files, documents and information in a central archive. ecoDMS is the first archiving system to bring a fresh breeze into the predominately conservative and expensive document management business. Changing from the conventional filing system to a modern, digital archive is easy to implement at low-cost. The latest technology standards and fair value for money make the employment of the Aachener DMS solution very attractive for private users and any kind of company or industry.

ecoDMS is a professional client server system which is user-friendly and easy to operate. The software is distributed exclusively via the manufacturer's online shop at a price of 41.18 Euros net per licence. ecoDMS has all advantages of an archiving solution: Automatic text recognition, OCR, full text search, automatic document recognition, version management, user and group admin, settings dialogue box, scanner software for incoming e-mail processing, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, and Outlook connections, and much more.

As a standard, all data and information is stored directly on site at the customer and not on third-party servers or at ecoDMS GmbH. Moreover, there is the option of relocating the ecoDMS server and the database.

Single seat solution: ecoDMS can be installed and employed flexibly according to customer requirements. The scalability of the system allows its application across a large variety of industries and user groups. This technical convenience has turned this digital archive into a highly attractive option for private users. The entire document management system can be used without limitation as a single seat solution. All ecoDMS components, including ecoDMS server and database, are then installed on a local computer or laptop that fulfils the system requirements. The documents are secure on the customer's own PC in the ecoDMS postgreSQL database, as opposed to being located on third party servers or on your file system, where they can easily be manipulated! If necessary, the single seat solution can be turned into a network solution.

Network solution: The platform independence and the enormous scalability of ecoDMS allow its application in virtually any IT infrastructure. As a client-server system, ecoDMS can be easily integrated into a proprietary network. When installing a network, the ecoDMS server component is installed together with the postgreSQL database on a central company or home server. The archive can then be accessed from the individual workplaces via the network. The connection to the ecoDMS server is established through the connection manager. The number of users can be selected through the ecoDMS licence and can be increased at any time in form of licence upgrades. The documents are secure at the customer on proprietary servers in the postgreSQL database, as opposed to being located on third party servers or on your file system, where they can easily be manipulated!

Software as a Service: Anyone wanting to store their data and documents on an external server can use the hosting and software as a service (SaaS) solutions. In this case the ecoDMS server is not installed on the proprietary network but at the service provider. For use / access of the customer's DMS archive, the customer requires a computer with internet connection to the external IT service provider. For such services the customer usually pays a fee to the provider of the hosting services. The individual workstations can access the archive through the connection manager. The number of ecoDMS users can be selected through the ecoDMS licence and can be increased at any time in form of licence upgrades. The SaaS model can help reduce the purchase and operating costs for the IT infrastructure needed for ecoDMS.

On the website, a demo version of the document management system can be downloaded and tested for a 30-day period. Private users may even use ecoDMS permanently for free following the trial period in form of the Free4Three edition. The test version can easily be transformed into a full version by activating the respective licence.