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In companies as well as in private households numerous paper documents and digital data accrue every year. These range from contracts, invoices and letters to invitations, emails, payslips and other documents. No one can escape the retention obligation for tax and business documents.

The ecoDMS document management system (records management system) can help reduce the daily paper volume and speed up the search for documents. The ecoDMS software is made by ecoDMS GmbH, Aachen. With ecoDMS the IT company offers a software that is low-cost, platform-independent, fully comprehensive and easy to understand and handle. ecoDMS ensures that paper documents and digital files are stored audit-proof in a central electronic archive. All information is available at the touch of a button.

Introducing such an archiving system can help reduce the paper chaos using modern digitalisation methods. The standard portfolio of the programme includes the ecoICE solution. This programme is used to retrieve and archive scanned documents. It is directly connected with the ecoDMS archive. After scanning, the documents can be retrieved with ecoICE, from where they are distributed automatically to the appropriate folders or the responsible staff. Customised classification templates enable the system to recognise the documents, automatically assign and securely archive them. No more time is lost with arduous administrative and filing work.

During the archiving process in ecoDMS, the scanned documents are also full-text indexed. This process allows users quick and easy full-text researches based on the document contents. When looking for data, entering a mere search term is sufficient - just like googling. The information is then displayed in a well-organised table, together with a document preview.

Archiving documents with ecoDMS is faster because it is digitalised. All required documents are quickly, clearly and, most of all, centrally available for users in ecoDMS. Apart from the possibility of storing paper digitally, the application offers some further archiving features. Nearly all documents and files can be archived securely in ecoDMS. Any file type can be dragged and dropped into the ecoDMS interface. For MS Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Outlook and Thunderbird there are even dedicated plugins available to allow direct storage from those applications. Moreover, ecoDMS includes a PDF/A printer. This allows any third party printing application to be connected with the document management system (records management system).

Even web and mobile-savvy users will get their money's worth. With ecoDMS mobile, the archived documents can be searched, retrieved, viewed, downloaded and archived from any smartphone or tablet. Documents in ecoDMS can be accessed from different internet browsers via the web interface.

ecoDMS has become the most popular, modern and fastest archiving system on the German-speaking market. Several thousand companies and private users are already successfully employing this document management system. The quick installation process and the easy application, unrivalled value for money, platform independence and versatility of this software make ecoDMS the ideal archiving solution for everyone. At 49 Euros per licence for the full version, ecoDMS clearly beats the standard price in the archiving industry. For private users the archiving system is completely free with a limited functionality.

For more information on the software and a free demo version, visit