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ecoDMS GmbH has released a new YouTube video about the popular ecoDMS document management system. The video presents the current version "ecoDMS (burns)" and explains the benefits and advantages of this archiving solution (german).

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The flood of documents in companies and in private households is continually increasing. Information arrives in paper form by post, digitally by email and as chat messages on smart phones. As a result, a lot of time is wasted every day filing and searching for important documents. This is because all documents are located in different digital storages, distributed in numerous folders and lie unsorted on desks in companies.

The ecoDMS document management system makes document archiving and its management easier. All paper documents can easily be scanned with a conventional scanner, retrieved through the inbox in ecoDMS, and digitally archived with all necessary filing information in ecoDMS.

Since ecoDMS can be easily connected to popular email and Office applications, users can also use it to quickly archive all emails, spreadsheets and cover letters. The same applies to several other files, such as invoices, contracts, tax returns, images or videos. It doesn't matter. Almost any file can be stored in ecoDMS.

The document management system allows the definition of filing information and access permissions for each file. It is particularly convenient that you can teach ecoDMS how and for whom to store a particular file. ecoDMS then does the filing by itself.

With ecoDMS you can find all documents within seconds just like googling. ecoDMS can be customised to suit individual needs. For example, each team member receives their own access data and permissions for ecoDMS. In addition, folder trees, document types and much more can be created with just a few mouse clicks.

As ecoDMS is accessible both within the company network and from outside, users can even access all documents at lightning speed during business meetings, while travelling or from the home office. The Webclient enables you to have your entire document archive at hand, even on your smart phone or tablet.

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