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ecoDMS GmbH presents ecoWorkflow, a modern, open workflow system that makes it possible to automate all processes and optimise company processes individually. You can implement all workflows quickly and easily without requiring programming knowledge. The Aachen-based company has developed a fair licensing model to address small, medium-sized, as well as large companies.

Workflows, such as approval processes for incoming invoice processing, can be created with the ecoWorkflow modeler and customised to suit the needs of a specific company. Intuitive features facilitate the configuration, management and application of automated business processes.

Use case: Incoming invoice processing
A practical example for the application of ecoWorkflow is invoice processing in companies. Companies can formally verify incoming invoices and then pass the invoice on to the next employee in the process. For example, the system can output the invoice number, the invoice date and the invoice total amount to the user for processing. Additional files or further parameters for invoice processing can also be included if necessary.

The processes can be customized to meet a company’s needs. For example, invoices can be retrieved automatically from a folder or email account. ecoWorkflow then transfers the invoices to the responsible employees for checking, approval, booking entry or cancellation.

To ensure timely processing, ecoWorkflow has a reminder function. Among other things, this ensures that any cash discount on due incoming invoices is taken advantage of in the best possible way.

Long-term Planning Security with the Full ecoDMS ONE Package
ecoWorkflow is based on the full ecoDMS ONE package, which includes the popular ecoDMS document management system and offers corporate customers long-term planning security with software updates and support. ecoWorkflow automatically archives invoices with the correct archiving and classification information in ecoDMS.

Easy Process Modelling Using a Digital Toolkit
The user-friendly ecoWorkflow Modeler helps create customised workflows that realistically map a company's internal processes. Modelling processes is similar to a digital toolkit. The desired sequences can be assembled by drag-and-drop without any programming knowledge. This means that even complex workflows can be digitised quickly and easily.

Secure Access
The clever role-based access concept of ecoWorkflow allows secure, user-defined access to the entire workflow system and its processes. For example, in addition to the standard users, there is the possibility to assign the “supervisor” role to process owners. “Supervisors” always have an overview of the ongoing and completed processes and, if necessary, can take control of tasks or intervene.

Software, Training and Service with a One-Stop Solution
At ecoDMS GmbH, customers receive customised workflows that suit their needs and can be quickly implemented on site. The Aachen-based company implements standard processes cost-effectively and enables users to benefit from the efficient processes with ecoWorkflow within a few days. Alternatively, the responsible employees are comprehensively trained in a training course on how to "set up and use ecoWorkflow". Afterwards, the companies can model their individual workflows themselves.

Conclusion: ecoWorkflow is the optimal system for automating individual company processes. Workflows can thus be implemented quickly and easily without programming knowledge. The central and location-independent management of workflows provides convenient access to all workflows at the workplace, on the road, while travelling and in the home office. ecoWorkflow is accessed via web client. Users access the system via web browser from their computer, laptop, smart phone or tablet.

This is just a small extract from the many features ecoWorkflow offers. For more information about the software and to request a quote, visit