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The Aachen-based software company, ecoDMS GmbH, announced a new update for the popular document management system this week. It will be full of new, clever archiving features. In addition, the stability and performance of ecoDMS have been improved. A special highlight is the new artificial intelligence, This AI technology will be continually integrated in ecoDMS. The manufacturer will announce the exact release date soon.

Artificial intelligence
The brand-new AI for barcodes provides ecoDMS with state-of-the-art technology for the automatic recognition of all barcodes. The artificial intelligence recognises barcodes of various types at any position in a document. For example, the software reads QR barcodes, EAN codes, Swiss G1 barcodes, and many more. The long term will see AI technology being continuously developed and integrated even more deeply into ecoDMS.

The new ecoDMS update recognises, converts and archives X-invoices. The term "X-invoice" stands for "XML-based semantic invoice data model". The data in such invoices is structured to be machine-readable. ecoDMS can archive these X-invoices. In a background operation, the system automatically converts the encoded invoice into a readable PDF when archiving. ecoDMS classification templates can also be applied to the invoices for automatic association and archiving.

Snapshot to archive
Another brand-new feature is called "Snapshot to archive". This allows you to create any screen shots on your computer and archive them straight to ecoDMS. The feature is in the ecoDMS Connection Manager, where it can be accessed by keyboard shortcut. The snapshots can be created for all areas of a screen. When archiving, ecoDMS stores the image as a searchable PDF. Recognizing classification templates is also possible here.

User sessions in the Settings dialogue
In future, administrators can view all users connected to the document management system in the ecoDMS Settings dialogue. ecoDMS displays the username, the application used (e.g. desktop client or web client) and the time of the last activity. As an option, an administrator can terminate sessions that are no longer needed. This frees simultaneous connections to allow other users to log in.

Dynamic date for classification templates
Classification templates will be extended with a practical function in this update. Date fields can be dynamically preassigned with values. For example, resubmission dates can be assigned automatically. An example of this would be: Resubmission = archiving date + 7 days. If you save the dynamic date in a template, ecoDMS automatically adjusts the selected period. When the classification template is recognised, ecoDMS automatically captures the resubmission date.

Sorting the cards view
Sorting the displayed documents in the modern cards view can be configured with the ecoDMS update. The documents can be sorted by all available ecoDMS attributes. The available sorting options are ascending and descending order. For example, documents can be displayed on the PC according to date of receipt or document type.

New system permission
You can share documents with third parties via the internet and make them available for external download. In future, a separate system authorisation will be available in ecoDMS for this feature. The administrator can assign it to selected ecoDMS users. In addition, ecoDMS always logs the use of the feature in the history.

This is an extract of the many innovations in the upcoming ecoDMS- update. The exact release date, screen shots and the complete changelog will be published soon.

For more information about the document management system, visit