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ecoDMS is a PC software for digital archiving and management of documents and files. The ecoDMS software is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. The document management system facilitates access to documents and the full text indexing feature enables easy and quick searches for content and information.

There are several DMS systems available on the German market. ecoDMS differentiates itself from those applications by virtue of its technical structure and innovative sales model. The system is ideal for practically all user groups due to its scalability, simplicity and platform independence. The low price allows anyone to employ ecoDMS.

The ecoDMS archiving software has already been awarded several different prizes and certificates. In the heise online software portal, ecoDMS software is ranked top of all document management systems. In 2010 the comprehensive school Europaschule Langerwehe won the "Simply School" competition with ecoDMS. The school was awarded the prize for its modern reduction of bureaucracy by the education ministry of Northrhine-Westfalia. In 2014 the German Federal Association for Small to Medium-Sized Companies in the IT Industry awarded ecoDMS with the "Software made in Germany" seal. Also in 2014, the German Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (bitkom) admitted ecoDMS as a member.

ecoDMS ensures that emails, Office documents, PDF files, drawings, graphs, images, agreements, videos, paper documents and much more can be assigned in the DMS system. The archiving software stores all data securely, structures it clearly and makes it accessible for users. The intelligent template designer allows automatic classification and archiving. When archiving, the system recognises the documents and assigns them accordingly.

The full version contains all DMS functions and connections to conventional PC applications, such as MS Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Thunderbird and Outlook. Moreover, a PDF/A printer enables archiving from applications with print function. The ecoDMS API also allows access from other systems to the archived data store also allowing the addition of further documents. The API can be used, for example, to connect warehouse management systems, invoicing software and other third party systems to the DMS.

The archived data can be accessed locally, within a network, or from mobile devices or external PCs while travelling. ecoDMS includes desktop clients, mobile apps and a web interface. The ecoDMS software is currently available in the languages German and English. Apart from the free Free4Three version, on offer with limited functionality for private users, there is also the fee-based ecoDMS full version. A full version licence costs 49 Euros and is permanent.

ecoDMS is based on Open Source components that are combined with custom developments. The service-oriented architecture (SOA) of the client server system ensures that ecoDMS can be used with different platforms (Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Mac OS) and on various devices.

On the ecoDMS webpage a free test version is available for download. The licence can also be purchased from the online shop. Detailed documentation and training videos give a perfect introduction to the DMS.

Summary: As a client-server system, ecoDMS covers all aspects of a software for document management. From digital incoming e-mail processing and automatic document recognition, audit-proof archiving and quick document retrieval, to the simple integration into existing system environments, ecoDMS offers high user convenience.