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Users can look forward to many intelligent new features due to the increased integration of artificial intelligence, as well as ecoDMS cloud solutions.

Aachen-based ecoDMS GmbH has made significant investments into their in-house research and development. This allows continual integration of state-of-the-art technologies into “Smart Cloud Solutions”. Brand new technologies can considerably speed up and simplify business processes and decisions.

The first insights into the development of the ecoDMS document management system show that the desire for artificial intelligence in the software has now become a reality. Following the motto “ecoDMS goes AI”, the next generation of ecoDMS includes a very clever way for processing and archiving documents and the associated processes.

Today, it is content, not the documents themselves, that is the focus of daily work. Managing directors, accountants, or team assistants in a company rely on information contained in documents for their next actions. When is the next invoice due for payment and what amount is it? To which account must the amount be transferred? Is this document already archived? These are only a few examples which can be significantly optimized by using artificial intelligence.

In 2023, ecoDMS users can look forward to the following AI-based innovations:

AI-based Scanner App
Save your trip to the document scanner with the first AI-based scanner app. Traditional incoming mail can then be digitized using the smart phone, which is used to photograph the document. The ecoDMS app recognizes the exact document outlines, aligns it, reads out the data, and transfers the data to ecoDMS for processing and archiving.

KI-based Duplicate Detection
To save storage space and avoid archiving the same document multiple times, an AI-controlled duplicate detection checks every incoming document. The system accesses text and image data, and checks whether the same document is already archived in ecoDMS.

Automatic Document Type Recognition and Assignment
AI will also assign the appropriate document type in ecoDMS. Based on existing collected data, ecoDMS recognizes whether a document is an invoice, an agreement, a delivery note, or similar. During classification, the AI then automatically assigns the matching document type. Thanks to this knowledge, other workflows and processing procedures are automatically triggered and speeded up.

More details and dates will be announced in due time on the ecoDMS website at